Hajar Chokairi, Outreach Committee Member

Hajar strongly believes that a powerful collective transformation can only happen if everyone's point of view is taken into account. As a consultant for the past 7 years, she has supported the design and deployment of entrepreneurial programmes and participative approaches for public and private organizations. As the co-director of the media www.onorient.com, she has guided her readers through the creative scenes of the SWANA region and advocated for a greater cultural diversity online.  In her novels, Hajar slips into the shoes of a forgotten writer, a war journalist, a migrant, or a supposedly ordinary mother. Now a teacher at the Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique, writer and independent consultant, she assists her clients in viewing the world from a different perspective to facilitate a significant collective transformation.  Hajar joined Climate Sirens to amplify the voices and stories of women from the SWANA region in the fight against climate change. As a member of the outreach committee, she seeks collaborations with other organizations to expand the impact of Climate Sirens.