Zeina Seaifan, Policy Committee Lead

Zeina (She/Her) is a scholar-activist who completed her bachelor’s and master’s at the University of Toronto, specializing in environmental sustainability. In September 2024, Zeina will begin her PhD at McGill University where she will investigate the relationship between Arab diasporic communities and questions of environmentalism in the homeland. As a Lebanese settler-Canadian, who belongs to a displaced community that in turn has contributed to the colonial displacement of Indigenous communities on Turtle Island, Zeina is incredibly passionate about intersectional work around the decolonization of the climate justice movement. SWANA Climate Sirens, with its parallel focus on intersectionality, decolonization, and Indigeneity, immediately drew Zeina to its mission. Through Climate Sirens's Policy Committee, Zeina hopes to leverage her unique privilege to bolster the underserved and overlooked voices of the Indigenous and local women of the SWANA region in the fight for a just future. Zeina is excited to move forward on the path to partnership, collaboration, and reconciliation through the amazing and like-minded team of SWANA Climate Sirens!